What is our E-Vault System?


What is GNEISS’s E-Vault System?

Our Evolve System or E-Vault, is designed to allow you to keep your reputation and transactions in tact even if you switch your Bitcoin or Ethereum wallets

Defined in GNEISS’s White Paper

E-Vault: The GNEISS user account, which interfaces with the user’s Ethereum wallet, and shares the same address as their personal Ethereum wallet address. Later versions of GNEISS will give the option for the users to privately handle their own wallet keys at the user’s risk and/or swap out ETH address for new one while maintaining the same username and E-Vault rating system.

E-Vault Incentives

At GNEISS we believe that any financial system that aims to seek mass adoption from consumers must offer incentives, whether it be ease of use, or monetary return of investment. Most users will find that the safety and security of the GNEISS network one of the main incentives to use our network.

Users’ E-Vaults are developed to have the option to tax any crypto-asset or smart contracts either through transactions, or a predetermined timely interest rate. By allowing E-Vault users to tax what they create, the GNEISS network generates healthy competition by creating an ever growing free market.

As long as there are a plentiful amount E-Vaults using the GNEISS network, competition alone will generate the lowest and most competitive fees of any current investment system or marketplace across the globe.